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Hello Everyone!

Mrs Blowfield's Music Challenge

Mrs Parry's Make someone Smile Challenge

Mr Guy's Ball Skill Challenge

Miss Kirby's Journey Stick Challenge

Hairy Maclairy

The Jolly Postman

Mr Wolf and The Three Bears

The Lost Penguin

Meerkat Mail

The Tiger who came Tea

Supertato - Veggies in the Valley of Doom

Mr Impossible and the Easter Egg Hunt

Musical Instruments Quiz

Cued Articulation - a-f

Cued Articulation g-j

Cued Articulation k-o

Cued Articualtion p-t

Cued Articulation u-z

Letter Formation - Curly Caterpillar Letters

Letter Formation - Zig Zag Letters

Letter Formation - Long Ladder Letters

Number Formation

5 - Counting and Multi-representation

6 - Counting and Multi-representation

7 - Counting and Multi-representation

8 - Counting and Multi-representation

9 - Counting and Multi-representation

Top Maths Tips