The aim of our pattern of entry is to ensure all children become happy, confident and secure at school. Our induction reflects this by building on routines.
Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th September – 8.50am/9.00am – 12.00 noon (without lunch)
The children will attend school from 8.50am-12:00pm in their Induction groups. Please note the children will not stay at school for lunch time on these days but will be offered a light snack mid-morning.
This will develop their independent skills and they will get the opportunity to play on the playground with other school children.
Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September – 8.50am/9.00am – 1.00pm (with lunch)
The children will attend school from 8.50am/9.00am – 1.00pm and will experience the lunchtime routine and have a light snack mid-morning.
School Lunches:
Your child will be able to order their own lunch in class from the two school options or if preferred bring in their own food from home. The School Meals page on our website highlights the menu options available for you to view. If you prefer for your child to bring in a packed lunch from home, please note that we are a strict nut and sesame free school so please no spreads or snacks that contain nuts. Please always provide a healthy balanced packed lunch with no glass containers or fizzy drinks.
Week Beginning 9th September – 8.50am – 3.20pm
This week your child will experience a full day of school life, learning and building on morning, lunchtime and afternoon routines and will be in full time.
The slightly staggered start from 3rd September is designed to enable each group of children to gain familiarity and confidence in their new environment without feeling overwhelmed. We find that children learn very quickly from each other and that calm, purposeful learning routines spread rapidly if each child has adequate attention and space for this to be established.We understand that some children may need to have a more flexible pattern of entry and as always we work closely with you in partnership to establish what is best for your child. Please discuss any concerns you have with your child’s teacher.