Year 2 so far…

Year 2 so far…

It looks like the blog is finally working!

Here are just a couple of photos of year 2 so far.

We really enjoyed our local area walk and the children were amazing at identifying the human and physical features of their local area.

We have all now completed our self portraits and we are embarking on our next art project for ‘The House of Cinders’. Look out of prototype shoes to be uploaded soon!

I’m sure you have heard about the mysterious beanstalk in our corridor- We have been very busy in literacy writing stories and a diary as Jim who climbed the beanstalk instead of Jack.

Thank you for all your AWESOME homework so far. We hope you all manage to get out and enjoy this Autumn weather!

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we will uploading more pictures soon!

Year 2 Team!