



In Year R,  history is covered through Understanding the World.  We ensure that children are given opportunities to identify and discuss how they have changed and to identify how life has changed since their grandparents and parents were little, for example, thinking about how a day at the seaside has changed.  Our dinosaur topic is a perfect example of giving the children the opportunity to explore long ago through rich and exciting learning opportunities.

Our Key Stage 1 curriculum focuses on four main areas of history:

  • Changes within living memory
  • Significant events beyond living memory
  • The lives of significant individuals
  • Significant historical events

This gives the children opportunities to make comparisons between their own lives and the lives of those in the past and allows them to begin to understand the changes that have happened through history.

We bring history alive through exciting topics that inspire children’s curiosity about the past where the children are given the opportunities to find out and explore a range of sources including artefacts, books, photographs and pics, we also provide a number of opportunities to visit local places of historic importance including Portchester Castle.

We link history to other subjects including literacy, drama and art, bringing history to life and meaning to our topics. The Year 1’s re-enact the Battle of Trafalgar and bring the events of Lord Horatio Nelson to life.

The children are taught to investigate and make links with their learning, asking and answering questions supporting them in their understanding of the complexity of life and events of the past and how history has shaped the world we know today. The Year 2’s  learn about how London as we know today changed after the Great Fire of London and they  re-enact the Crimean War and discover the impact Florence Nightingale has had on our lives today.